Look for Remix OS for pc below and choose x86 or 圆4. Here is the download link of Chih-Wei Huang of course changed. Yes, try it and you will be redirected to jide which already don't offer the download anymore. Just download from official androidx86 Remix OS. Or you can write Jide or android-x86 to offer the download again.Īdded : Remix OS for Pc is dead now! Unless you know where to get the iso working with google play store "as if". If you're near my place you can just drop by and copy my file all for free.
#Remix os installation tool not working for free#
You can ask me for the old original untouched version and I'll send you a copy for free but at your shipping expense just for the old pcs still out there and for the support of Jide. I have the original old version though but I have a slow uploading internet connection. You can google though for the file "release_Remix_OS_for_PC_32bit_B2016040501" and download from links you trust. Your computer may be not older than mine and it might work better. If you want just the original file for your old intel pc just download the x32 bit of 3.0.207. You'll just be redirected to which only has 3.0.207. But the original version is no longer downloadable at. It ran Clash of Clan without problem, but you can't run or install other additional apps anymore. It will install, it will update especially Google updates, but it will be buggy. God bless Remix OS Team and all of us.Īdded : Remix OS for PC ver 3.0.207 did not work on my old Intel PC.
#Remix os installation tool not working how to#
Googling the topic this time just gives you how to on installing Remix OS, since even it passed beta testing, we're still early starters trying the program. Just Uninstall Remix OS, delete data.img, restart computer, install Remix OS again, and then COPY THE BACK UP data.img AND PASTE BACK TO THE REMIX OS FOLDER Yet the same severe corruption with windows need reformatting, if repair reformat can't do the job I don't know if that will work since Testdisk has the same capability but were not able to repair the image using testdisk_win.exe c:\RemixOS\data.img unless you know how to fsck.ext4 -p -b superblock -B blocksize device. If you have flash drive with Partition Magic, start booting from it, and they say you can fsck -a /dev/sda1 your hard drive. I got away five times when I booted into windows and then chkdsk which asked for restart (with /f).so try chkdsk first.if that will do. Remember, Android were made for battery powered devices that corruption from sudden power outage is somewhat forsaken. It's just 16gig so it won't matter compared to recreating the whole Remix OS system and apps and accounts. How to? Click on the file, right click, choose copy, then paste on other secure place in your disk.
So.better create a copy of data.img from C:\RemixOS\data.img